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a copyの例文


  • right . well , here's a copy of her profile . number 49524 .
  • rigsby just sent over a copy of the 911 call .
    リグスビーが911通報者の声を 送ってきたわ
  • and i sent a copy out to each of my volunteers .
    私はその本を 各ボランティアに配りました
  • perhaps a copy robot has been developed ....
    もしかして コピーロボットが 開発されて...。
  • he happened to score us a copy of the discovery file .
  • you got a copy of this guidebook , didn't you ?
    このガイドブック あんたももらっただろう
  • or relative , you leave with a copy of the interview
  • you can imagine what a copy might be worth .
    その1枚が どれほど価値があるか 想像つくよね
  • my main prize is a copy of francis bacon's essays .
  • and this guy , i gave him a copy of the ...
    それと4つの短編 あと この彼にはコピーを・・・
  • it is said to be a copy of nagao ke kyuzo mohon .
  • do you have a copy of the alcoholics anonymous book ?
  • and when i brought her a copy of the elements of style
  • my main prize was a copy of francis bacon's essays .
  • please confirm that no one has ever had a copy
  • it was said when he got a copy of the king james bible
  • there's a copy of the page that was replaced .
    差し替えられる前の ページのコピーがある
  • please tell me , you made a copy of that disk .
    教えてくれ コピーを取ってあるよな?
  • why did you take a copy of my medical record ?
  • but we can have a copy sent to you , rachel , if you want .
    奥さんが望むなら 後で送るよ
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3